Last month, Ayom were pleased to announce the brand new Ayom website. As part of a seismic shift in the company, a total online overhaul has been undertaken. Alongside the new website, branding and product offering, there is more exciting news for Ayom clients.
With the completion of the website, we are also pleased to announce an upgraded client portal. Our aim was to create an easy to use, transparent experience. Once an Ayom customer, with our new portal we want you to know exactly what has happened and when, with contact options at your fingertips.
Ageing portal
Ayom’s previous client portal could best be described as "robust". It did exactly what it was intended to do. It provided a list of contact methods we used to contact your debtor, at what time and on what day. That was the core focus for many years.
Over time, the portal was improved with ore features added. It allowed users to upload new debtor evidence and include options to download a breakdown of the case. This included contact made and money collected on a clients' behalf.
With the advent of a new product and change of direction at Ayom; it was decided rather than continuing to upgrade the old portal, to revolutionise and craft a new dashboard to match the new direction.
Designed to help you
The portal had a brief to provide a holistic view of their cases. It was intended to be a one stop answer to any question or query for Ayom clients. In the portal you can find not only case information but a dashboard providing all the information you need to be confident about the process of debt collection. FAQs ensure you know how it works, what to expect from us, and when.
Full case management
You are also able to fully manage your case or add new cases directly from the portal. While our team are on hand to speak to you and answer queries by email, the portal is your fastest way to access your case information and get in touch with a built-in contact section where you can get in touch directly with your case handler.
Keeping the ethos
The system has been designed to suit Ayom’s new service and approach. Transparency, professionalism and a modern take on debt collection. We researched how clients wanted to be contacted, what they wanted to see and how they wanted to view their information. All this packaged in a user-friendly dashboard fitting with Ayom’s core values and vision.
Want a tour? Visit our portal here to create a free account. While we have designed the portal to be easy to use, our team are always on hand to help show you around and answer any questions around starting a case or getting the most from your dashboard. To get in touch you can email or call 0800 130 3357.
What it means for you?
As an Ayom user, how does our new portal help you? Alongside the host of features, how does it make your experience better?
With debt recovery, our research shows that our clients want to not only know what is happening with their case, but a transparent and easy to access method of doing so. With the communication options, interactivity and ability to track your case at your fingertips, you can go from start to finish of your case, entirely online. From sign up to inputting your payment details once we’ve collected your funds, you can be in complete control.
If you’d like to sample our new, industry leading debt recovery process including our client portal, get your case started today by signing up for free. See how the new client portal makes debt recovery easier.